Merlina and the Magic Spell
Merlina and the Magic Spell
Ages: 0 and up
Doodling Pad
Doodling Pad

Holiday Open House 2013

Nov 20, 2013

Our Annual Holiday Open House is quickly approaching. 


We'd love it if you were able to join us on November 30th from 10:30-7 - aka Small Business Saturday. We'll have the usual tiered savings, a variety of snacks and of course Santa and Mrs. Claus will be joining us from 1-3. Our good friend Amy Donovan Photography will be taking photos of your kiddos with Santa and Mrs. Claus that will be available for purchase, if you so desire.

We are also happy to announce that Mrs. Claus will be back to visit us every Monday morning to share a story hour. The first Monday will be on December 2nd at 10:30am. She will be reading some of our newest holiday books and spending precious time with your wee ones. 

We have a plethora of new holiday titles that we will be tackling. 


We want to wish you and  yours a Happy Thanksgiving Holiday. We hope your holiday is spent with loved ones in a cozy place. More magic coming soon. Keep checking back with us.

A New Mama & Celebrations Galore

Nov 06, 2013

We are happy to welcome our newest Mama and daughter duo to the family. Dawn and Aurora started slingin' toys in our little shop at the end of September. You'll see their friendly faces from time to time, in addition to all of our other Mamas (who I spoke of  several months back). You might recognize Dawn from another one of our favorite Hip Strip businesses where she baked for years, Bernice's. We're so excited to have yet another wonderful person to add to our staff. My staff literally makes me giddy; I love them all so much!


Aurora built her very first snowperson of the season this morning and it seemed the most fitting photo to share while we have some fresh white fluff on the ground. 

Speaking of snow... the holiday season is upon us and we have a whole mess of new love pouring into our shop. So many new books arrived and are now out on the shelves for you to peruse. We order most of our selections from Steiner - in our opinion they are all pretty magical. We don't know if you heard, but we're going to have the most spectacular guest reading in the shop, EVERY Monday through the month of December. Please check our events (on the right) for times/dates and join us for holiday story time. 


We're continuously stitching away - wooly felty style - attempting to adorn another Festival of the Trees tree - proceeds from the auction go to Mountain Home Montana. We still have two Mama classes left at 7pm on November 19th and December 3rd, please call if you'd like to help or learn how to stitch some super adorable fruit. We've been having so much fun stitching together. 

We're celebrating another year in business this Saturday from 10:30-6. We will have sales (draw your savings from a hat), cake (from Bernice's) and we have all kinds of new delights to oogle over. 8 years and still loving every moment (er most of them). We're thankful for each of you, and your support through the years. Walking Stick Toys wouldn't be here without you.

PlanetBoxes are HERE! & We're hiring again!

Aug 07, 2013

We finally have the lunchboxes that we love, in stock, for you! They are going fast, so if you want one for 'back to school' you best get one soon! 

A plethora of lunch ideas can be found on this page. And, if you need to add some accessories for your PlanetBox please follow this link

Now, onto that other pesky bit of business. We're looking for some part-time help, again. If you are interested in applying for a position please drop your resume, and any letters of recommendation, off to our storefront. We're looking to fill afternoon shifts from 3pm-6pm and 3pm-7pm (during the holidays) as well as weekend shifts (both Saturday and Sunday). We're accepting resumes until Monday, September 2nd. You can be a part of this sweet family! 

We hope your summer is wrapping up nicely. 

Just Because Sale

Jul 22, 2013

A "Just Because" Sale!

Our surprise sale, is the perfect time for you to stock up on back to school necessities, baby shower gifts, new baby necessities, upcoming birthday gifts, & if you are a really good planner, holiday gifts. This sale is intended to show our gratitude for your support over the years. We are proud to have won the 'Best of Missoula' award for Toy Store this year. This is our only first place win after 8 years of providing green toys and goods to Missoulians, we have our award happily displayed in the store. We couldn't call that award ours without you. We needed your votes and you came through for us. All of us! 

Speaking of votes...we are the proud winners of the Plan Toys Window Contest for the second year in a row. Our grand prize was $500 in Plan Toys, which we have already cashed in on! That $500 is a giant help to our little shop, so we appreciate all of you that took the time to vote on Facebook

So when is the sale? Saturday, August 3rd, 10:30AM-6:00PM. 25% off of everything storewide. If you are shopping via the interwebs please use code BECAUSE to receive your discount. 

Follow us on Instagram for instant photos of our new goodies. 

Hope your summer is rockin'! 

Plan Toys Green Dollhouse with Furniture

The dollhouse's energy efficient design includes a wind turbine, a solar
cell panel and electric inverter for generating electricity, a rain
barrel for collecting rain, a biofacade, which uses the natural cycle of
plant growth to provide shading, and a blind that can adjust the amount
of sunlight and air circulation. Also, recycling bins are included in
the set.

How do you celebrate Earth Week? 

Ages: 3 and up

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