Blog Archive - February 2013

Field Trip

Feb 23, 2013

We had a group of 18 kiddos come in on January 16th to learn about why our store is such a valuable resource for people in our community (and of course to have a little bit of fun). We decided to expand upon the reasons in a blog post as a reminder to others (and ourselves).
These especially bright kiddos looked around the store and first made observations about what they saw.

Next we talked about what a sustainable resource is. In case you'd like a quick definition - 'It is a resource that is used up at the same speed as it is renewed.' Our store is unique in the fact that we strive to find toys and goods that are healthy and natural and come from sustainable resources. 

Where does wood come from? 

This was a bit baffling to a group of 3 year olds, but we worked our way through it. We made some snowflakes out of recycled calendars.


Where does wool come from? 

We watched this short video and then talked about how wool can come from other animals too - I had the kids guess which other animals wool might come from. They didn't have too many answers. 

Wool is the textile fiber obtained from sheep and certain other animals, including cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, vicuña, alpaca, camel from animals in the camel family, and angora from rabbits.

Where does cotton come from? 

We experimented a bit with cotton balls and talked about how cotton grows. I think the little snow people we created were awfully cute. 


Where does silk come from? 


This image was taken from this site and you can even order your very own silk worms from them. We'll have some in the store this summer. 

We watched this short video that is REALLY awesome!

We talked briefly about wax. None of these kiddos knew that bees made wax. I sent them each home with a sweet honey stick from the Montana Bees we get our wax from. 

I honestly this think this field trip might be more beneficial for Kindergarten (or older) kiddos, but we had a blast with the Head Start kids. If you are an educator and would like to bring your kids to visit our eco-friendly business we would be happy to have you!

The rest of the album from our field trip can be found on our FB page

Play Smart!

Feb 16, 2013

We're hosting our first lecture! We have a special guest speaker and she'd like to play with you and your kiddos on March 2nd at 1:00pm.


We hope to see you - children are welcome! 

Plan Toys Green Dollhouse with Furniture

The dollhouse's energy efficient design includes a wind turbine, a solar
cell panel and electric inverter for generating electricity, a rain
barrel for collecting rain, a biofacade, which uses the natural cycle of
plant growth to provide shading, and a blind that can adjust the amount
of sunlight and air circulation. Also, recycling bins are included in
the set.

How do you celebrate Earth Week? 

Ages: 3 and up

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