Next in line for our weekly specials: All locally created goods are 20% off. Including: Moody Milk Cow Designs, Dig This Chick, ReCreate Designs, Statriot Tees, Bizzz Bonk Designs, Fairy Food Market Goodies, Starlight Designs, Corneil Enterprises Pull Toys, Blue Rooster Arts, Send Sunshine Wool Felting Kits, Worm Stix, Starry Knight Shoes and there are probably several I'm forgetting.
We have an array of other goodies that are made in US by small family run businesses as well, but the chosen discounted goodies are things specifically 'Montana' for this sunshine-filled Thursday.
Remember this is a deal for today only. Many of these items are available in our shop only - please call if you are looking for something from afar.
The dollhouse's energy efficient design includes a wind turbine, a solar
cell panel and electric inverter for generating electricity, a rain
barrel for collecting rain, a biofacade, which uses the natural cycle of
plant growth to provide shading, and a blind that can adjust the amount
of sunlight and air circulation. Also, recycling bins are included in
the set.
How do you celebrate Earth Week?