Tabletop Easel
Tabletop Easel
4 Votes | Average: 4.25 out of 54 Votes | Average: 4.25 out of 54 Votes | Average: 4.25 out of 54 Votes | Average: 4.25 out of 54 Votes | Average: 4.25 out of 5 (4 votes, average: 4.25 out of 5)
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This tabletop easel is made in Germany. It is made of solid beechwood. Ideal for painting or presenting pictures, photos etc in small format.
It has an adjustable height.

beechwood, height: 43 cm, width: 31 cm (height: 16.93 inch, width: 12.2 inch)

Regularly $40!

Ages: 1 and up



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