Fall is in the Air

Sep 22, 2012

So is a lot of smoke...ugh. We're celebrating today with a cooperative window display.


This morning we spent some time outside watching the Homecoming Parade (that goes right past our little store) and adorning our window with pretty "leaves." 


We still have our paint out if you want to pop in to "leave" your mark.


Happy Fall!


Plan Toys Green Dollhouse with Furniture

The dollhouse's energy efficient design includes a wind turbine, a solar
cell panel and electric inverter for generating electricity, a rain
barrel for collecting rain, a biofacade, which uses the natural cycle of
plant growth to provide shading, and a blind that can adjust the amount
of sunlight and air circulation. Also, recycling bins are included in
the set.

How do you celebrate Earth Week? 

Ages: 3 and up

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